Does It Bother You That Obama's Middle Name Is Hussein?

Sorry - I misunderstood. I think you're in better position than anyone else to answer that, since not many of us are in touch with the Arkansas voter. I think the simplest explanation is that he didn't campaign there, and Clinton's husband was governor there and Arkansas Democrats appreciate that. Outside of that, I don't know.

No problem at all. I didn't do a very good job of communicating what I was looking for. I am more interested in why people in some areas outside of Arkansas are so supportive of Obama.

What makes him attractive to so many? It can't be simply his policies, I would say a lot of the people voting for the candidtates in the primaries couldn't articulate most, if any, of their actual policies.

Im sure the fact his last name is not Clinton or Bush may have a lot to do with it......