Bought my first legal weed

Around 85 I quit due to DoD started random pizz test instead of only when found in possession. I retired in 2015 and really curious but did not know any cool friends. My cousin in Cali was a seasoned farmer and I reached out for some seeds. Sent me seeds and about 1/4 oz starter pack...holy shirt it's Xmas morning! I panicked like ain't got no pipe or papers...then it kicked in to find a beer can and relive my youth pipe...
Went on a 7 day cruise out of San Diego to MexBaja. Found a dispensary and picked up a pre rolled 4-pack of 47.95% THC for $60. First opportunity as we sailed out I'm on the back of ship alone trying to light dat rocket with 35 mph winds. I'm sucking like hell hoping a flame reaches the tip. Apparently it did during a huge suck cuz I'm hacking out a lung. Found me a comfy table where I could be left alone with my headphones and music and kickback. About 30 min later I need a drink, preferably water...lots o water. I stand up and legs ain't going nowhere. Sit my azz back down for another hour before I tried again, thought the boat was rocking, I was the only one times...