Tropical Storm remnants expected to hit SoCal Sunday (Update: Game will go as scheduled)

It has leaked during run of the mill every day storms too. Are you seriously introducing a Katrina level event to this game being played scenario? 😂

Tell me this, is it leaking because it’s raining, or is it leaking and people are freaking out because it’s raining in an event called a “hurricane?” In other words, are there hurricane conditions outside there right now, or is it simply raining?

And no, they are not sitting near the eye of a category 4 storm right now, the way it’s being made to sound. It’s simply raining out there.
This the first time in over 80 years that area has gotten a storm. There are streets flooding already. There are also high winds and the risk of devastating flash flooding and mudslides, both highly possible. I am just saying that the safety of everyone involved is way more important than this preseason game.