Tropical Storm remnants expected to hit SoCal Sunday (Update: Game will go as scheduled)

Yes, believe it or not, they aren’t going to allow their multi-million dollar assets to get ripped apart by a hurricane/tornadoes to play a football game if it’s truly a threat to their well-being.

I guess the city/county that’s allowing this game to happen with no evacuation orders and the like are also in on this conspiracy to make sure tickets don’t get refunded?
How long have you lived in the South? Seems not long enough to know that getting ripped apart by hurricane/tornadoes is not the most threatening or killing part of a hurricane. It's the flooding from storm surge and rain. That's what does the most damage and kills the most people.

What is the concern in Los Angeles? Who said people in Los Angeles are worried about getting ripped apart by wind and tornadoes? No one, that's who.

There have been evactuation orders in some hillside/mountain communities. Where the flooding will be is not as predictable in mountain areas as it is in the flat lands of the south. The best thing to do is shelter in place, until signs appear that the area you're in might become unsafe.

Guess what, all of Los Angeles as been advised to shelter in place, unless they are notified to evacuate because they are notified their area might become unsafe.

How does one safely shelter in place and drive to a football stadium? I'm not talking about the spectators, I'm talking about all of the people who work at the stadium. How do they safely shelter in place while also driving to and from work?