Do you think aliens in ufos have visited Earth? (And all things UFO)
Guess this can go here
Scientists are hoping to receive a message from
aliens imminently, after waiting for 30 years.
But the chances are slim: the message was sent to a
star that does not appear to have any planets, and there will only be an hour to hear the message.
It is 40 years since Japanese
astronomersMasaki Morimoto and Hisashi Hirabayashi composed a message intended to show what humans are like and how life works on Earth, and send it into the cosmos. They did so using a telescope at Stanford University and sent a message to Altair, a star 16.7 light years away that could potentially have life around it.
Decades on, a team led by Shinya Narusawa at the University of Hyogo will use a large Japanese telescope to try and see if anything is sending back a reply to our message. Astronomers believe that it is conceivable a reply would come around now, given the distance to the star and the time that has elapsed.
They will listen for messages coming from the star on 22 August. That date was chosen because of its significance in Japan’s Tanabata star festival, which symbolically celebrates the meeting of two deities Orihime and Hikoboshi, the latter of which is represented by Altair.…….