Just another day in New Orleans

Does their trash get picked up every week? Does their water authority routinely and deliberately produce fraudulently escalated bills? Can you call the cops after a traffic accident and enjoy reasonable expectations that they will show up?

No, other areas are not the same. We are a special kind of dysfunction at the moment.
I have lived in many places and do not remember one place even marginally ok with municipal services

But the Latoya stuff goes well beyond that and even passed the Hillary/‘lock her up’ nonsense (bc it’s mixed with ‘culture’)
YES - Latoya is incompetent and yet y’all ascribe some incredible powers to her. Like she walked into an idyll and in a matter of years, single-handedly destroyed some mix of Nordic and Japanese efficiency

and the problem with that is that it ignores the problem
Just like ‘lock her up’ you get some puppeteers distracting the public with RECALL while they keep feeding at the trough and poisoning the well

I’m about 99+% certain that Jeff Landry will be next governor- will be 10x worse for the city (and state) than Latoya but will receive almost zero effective criticism for it