Just another day in New Orleans

Yes it’s a bad tree
The forest is much much worse
Focusing on a clown who doesn’t really have the power to move the needle a significant amount (and I REALLY wish some other clown was doing it) while not contextualizing that state is orders of magnitude worse seems targeted

Hopefully you read some of bclemms discussions of Jackson city and the **** things the state does advertently and inadvertently to ‘punish’ the city
It’s not a 1:1 comparison but there are many similar elements that a person who was concerned about NO citizens would want to consider
I don’t give two squirts about what is happening in Jackson City. This thread is about New Orleans. Living in New Orleans, and seeing what has been going on since Teedy took office is a mess.

The woman has no self awareness, nor does her staff, and the citizens of the city get to suffer the repercussions.