K Wil Lutz traded to the Broncos for a 2024 7th round pick

When he runs out to kick,, people are going to think they just suited up the one of the punt pass and kick kids from halftime.
More so, one coming off a 74% season.
Kicking is like free throws. If you’re Hot you’re 90-100%. But if you miss one, ah ok, im 98%. Ok missed two in a row, what’s wrong with him? Miss 3 of 8, maybe he’s injured, maybe the holder is the problem. Yada. If this keeps trending this way, picture SHAQ O’neil one hand palming the ball, air balling or straight banging it off the iron. It’s streaky and confidence driven. My point, Lutz fgm % was that like a hang glider on fire. There’s no coming back. Say he makes a 60 yard FG. His confidence level shoots from 75-85%. But then he misses the next kick, an extra point. Now his confidence rockets down too. 50%. The missed kicks have a huge impact compared to the kicks made. Watch at the Broncos, he’ll make 7 in a row. Then start trending down. Because the damage has already been done. Can anyone provide data where a FG kicker kicked themselves out of slump? Olindo Mare and do I have to say …..Chip Loemiller. Chip was so slumped he couldn’t come close to the goal poles much less make one.