Coach and Player Interviews Audio

It doesn't matter where the Saints conduct Team interviews from they all have a common problem. The questions being asked are either hard to hear or can't be heard at all. The people there can hear them but the recorded audio suffers.

It would seem to be a cheap investment for the team to place an overhead boom mic in the room so that the reporters questions are able to be heard clearly by the listening audience. After all, the point of having these interviews is to share information with the listening audience which not only includes team fans but outside media as well.

One would think that the media members asking the questions (and getting paid to do so) would want to be heard by the listening audience as well. So if anyone in the media reads this, please pass this suggestion on to team representatives that have a say in the press interviews.

Can You Hear Me?

I have to say, that I have had that same thought many times. I didn't think of the the solution that you proposed of using a boom, which does seem viable, but even then it would be difficult. It's been a good while since I attended so things may have changed, but the problem was that the pressers were dynamic in that they were at times held in different areas. They simply moved the backdrop to wherever the presser was being held.

The Media was not situated in an organized grouping like if there were designated seating, but instead were either scattered about around the room, or area, or actually standing while crowded around whomever was answering the questions. Still... I would like to see something happen toward making the press questions heard.