Looking for someone interested in taking over an abandoned team.
Our league drafted today and we had a new manager bail right before the time to draft was scheduled to hit. As a result, Yahoo! created a managerless team which drafted. It was too late to do anything about it but the team is available if anyone is interested. The AI did a decent job of drafting the starters and you will have a respectable team. The problem is the AI system drafted a bunch of NA or injured players currently on the bench.
Obviously, this team will require some TLC and will present a unique challenge, but I'd hate to have a good team like this just float around with no real direction. If you are interested, PM me your email and I will send you the invite. We can work together and figure out some way to give you multiple pickups to clean up your roster, but as it is right now, all starting positions have an active starter. This league does have defensive players which is all of the NA and INJ on the roster, but defensive players are a crap shoot in fantasy anyway.