Are you willing to get the Covid vaccine when offered?

No, that's not from the FDA. FDA pages do not look like that. Every FDA page has this header:


... and every page shows the directory tree as links right below the banner, like this:

I have no idea who's that in the picture, but the picture is not even properly framed.

This is the actual list of possible events after the vaccine, published by the CDC:
As you can see, the list is much, much smaller.

As for side effects, every foreign substance that comes in contact with your body has a potential to cause a reaction, being vaccines, aspirin, shampoo, toothpaste... heck, some people can have severe reactions to peanuts.

Have you ever tried to read the very small print on any package product that's sold in the U.S.? Or watch a medicine ad on T.V.? They list a number of possible reactions to the subtance... but that doesn't mean that every person who ever who comes in contact with the substance will experience that reaction, or even that a significant number of people would experience an adverse reaction. It just means that it has been observed at least once, and by law they have to disclose it.
... but I did. If proven wrong, I'll apologize, but I am 100% sure I won't have to.

100% is pretty sure. In that case...

Here is the link....

Can anyone find the link in the video, inquiring minds would like to know?!?!