All I Want for Christmas Contest 2024!
As stated before, we may change the game next year or add a game, playing two at once. We shall see.
Proposed rule changes for the coming season:
1. The song, when used as part of advertising, shall not count. There is no way the entire song can be played in the span of a 60-second or less commercial without speeding up the track to resemble that of Alvin and his related chipmunks.
a. EXCEPTION: if the ad is for a Mariah Carey Christmas special of any sort, we must assume that the ad is a portion of the performance to be featured during the special which would make that a full rendering of said song.
2. Entrapment is allowed. I know some of you will play fast and loose with this, but so be it. Just remember, if you set out to trap fellow members you must do it with a complete recording of the original song. For those of you worrying about getting caught this way, make sure auto-play is turned off. You will be asked to provide evidence of your autoplay status if a ruling is asked for.
3. Adding a song to the mix - much discussion has been had about Wham's version of "Last Christmas". Consider changing this contest to "All I Want Last Christmas is You" in which the additional song is included in the same rules as this contest. The hearing of either song, within the published guidelines, makes you ded.
We are accepting other proposed rule changes until 9/19/2023 at midnight. Proposed rule changes will be posted for consideration and debate until 9/30/2023 at midnight. A vote on amended rules changes will be had from 10/1/2024 until 10/5/2024 at which time all new approved rules changes will go into effect. A separate sticky will be created for the rules changes on 9/20/2023.
Proposed second/other contest for the coming season:
Give Mariah a rest and let us be cautious of George and Andrew. All of the same rules (including updates proposed/accepted) are applied to Whamageddon, just the song is different.
Post your objections/changes/updates/what have you here.