The photo at top left is of Dr. Steve Anderson, Director of the FDA's Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research (CBER).
In the link you posted last night -- a long series of presentations by the FDA's Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee that took place on October 22, 2020 -- Anderson joined the presentation via audio (hence the still photo) at about 2:20:30 to present his slide. Anderson spoke through to about 2:39:25. About 19 minutes.
Starts here:
I've gone through Anderson's 19 minutes twice. The faked slide (not link) that you originally posted is not present in Anderson's slide presentation.
I found the time stamp, why can't you after two views? I feel my honor and reputation has been slandered, so I will no longer respond to the slide. People seem more interested in discrediting sources, than answering questions.
Enjoy your empty victory!
I got my answer, so thanks for responding. I will remember this moving forward.