Are you willing to get the Covid vaccine when offered?

I found the time stamp, why can't you after two views? I feel my honor and reputation has been slandered, so I will no longer respond to the slide. People seem more interested in discrediting sources, than answering questions.

Enjoy your empty victory!

I got my answer, so thanks for responding. I will remember this moving forward.
Dude you posted a video that is nine HOURS long. Asking for a time stamp is a reasonable request.

Then another poster went through the video, found the 19 minute section where Dr. Anderson talks and then watched it twice, and then reposted the video to start at the time stamp.

You are doing the absolute least while claiming the most.

Your response is LAUGHABLE!

The slide is proven to be a fake and you have the gall to say
People seem more interested in discrediting sources, than answering questions.

You have been exposed as either being a fool who succumbed to false propaganda, or even worse, a quake who faked a document to further misinformation about the vaccine.
