Sean Payton opens up about why he left the Saints (merged)

I have never understood this philosophy of smiling while eating a plate of excrement. I patently HATE unfairness, always have and always will. Why should someone getting the shaft, smile and say nothing while taking it? I wish Coach was EVEN more vocal and put tapes together with numbers and plays PROVING it and then went on EVERY sports talk show he could with it. And yes, I know, those who don't wanna "see" it will invalidate it but I don't care. I am so sick and tired of being forced to be the bigger person in a raw deal.

I've seen coaches say, "And I don't care if I get fined..." after speaking their truth which is usually THE truth about officiating. Gayle should have also made it PUBLIC. If you are gonna screw us over ANYWAY, give it to them with both barrels. Put it out in the public and let them run with it. Keep a weekly tally of Saints penalties, and opponents penalties when they play the Saints vs when they don't. Put an entirely too bright microscope on the entire league.

I have just never been a fan of shut up and take it.

The answer should seem obvious. I have yet to ever see someone come out on the positive end of things by pissing off someone who decides your fate. If you're going to end up hurting yourself or the team, I don't see how that's a good thing. But, to each his own.