Saints jersey number changes

Haha okay buddy.

Last I checked, I don’t have to “justify” anything about my opinion. Since it’s just that, my opinion.

My only offense was the tone used in his opinion, talking down to others and then strawmanning this to be about not knowing players are on one singular team, which come to find out, it’s all he cares about and hence why it was his argument and others like me couldn’t relate to it.

And no, “football is not football” when talking different levels. There are different levels of talent and different levels of fan interest, which I thought to most people is very obvious, but maybe not.

I find it funny how some people here are allowed to talk down to others, trying to make it seem like we don’t know our own team simply because we want the league numbering rules to go back to their traditional roots, but when someone dishes anything back at them, even as benign as the VERIFIED fact that he only cares about one team, then THEY'RE the problem and need to be put in their place. Come on man.

When you said "95% of people don't care" about the other team in high school football, you were doing the exact same thing you accused MV2 of.

I find it funny that you can dish it out, but when you're shown to be doing the exact same thing, it's a problem.