Saints jersey number changes

Bro, this is not as hard as you're making it out to be, LOL. It's not hard to figure out if #5 was a RB, QB, or WR during the game. I don't mean to laugh but c'mon man.

To your last question though. Again, you said people don't care about high school football. That's not true. Don't be so dismissive of other people's feelings because you only like the NFL.

I never said “people don’t care about high school football.” But sure, create yet another strawman.

And again, it may not be hard to figure out on offense; it happens more so on defense. Laugh all you want, but I can confidently state that I know the game and that my opinions are shared by people much closer to the game than you and I are.

Just because ownership approved it doesn’t mean that the other side is wrong. Hell, it doesn’t mean EITHER side is wrong. It just means they have differing opinions and some people care about it or see the value in it more than others.