Are you willing to get the Covid vaccine when offered?

I like a small few here am anti-covid vaccine. Now do I think the people getting are crazy, hell no. I was for my mom and in-laws getting it. They are over weight and unhealthy. They were the "target demographic" dying from it. My wife and I decided to risk it and not going to get it. We felt we were healthy enough to survive an attach. I have had covid twice. First time ran fever for a week and smelled smoke for a month. Second time didnt know I had it. Just so happened to have a doc appointment after getting over a sore throat. Had a spike in my blood work. Doc said it either meant I had covid or was pregnant. Well Im a guy so that ruled out one option.

I have only known 3 people to be severely affected by covid.
1. Older friend of the family. He wasnt the healthiest of people. He caught it before the vaccine was available. Unfortunately he died with/from covid.
2. Good friend of mine. 45 really out of shape. He was in the hospital at deaths door for 2 weeks before recovering. It shook him so bad that he, his wife and kids got the shot. They have not received boosters. They are all fine
3. My neighbor and his wife are in their 50s some what active/workout. They had friends get severely sick and decided to get the shot. 2 weeks after he went into the hospital and docs to his wife to prepare for him to not make it. They didnt know if the shot caused it or what happened. Luckily he was able to pull through but still suffers from after affects.

I dont have a problem with people getting the shot to help them stay safe.
I don't have too much of an issue with you comments up to this point. It's the below i have issues with.
My problem is the government out right lying about it being a vaccine and it being nothing more than a flu shot.
Cite your sources. Who said this and when?
They are on TV saying those that get the shot will not get covid and that has been proven false.
Whoever said this would be wrong. No creditible source has said this. Certainly not the FDA or CDC.

Where I am skeptical is it was new. We dont know the affects it will have. It should not be forced on people that want to risk the virus. That is where the problem is for me. For the government to force something on people with out knowing the risk is scary to me.
This has been discussed ad nauseum in this and other threads. The type of vaccines used for Covid have been around and studied for over a decade iirc. And vaccines in general have been around for a century. The possible adverse effects have been known for years. Covid essentially forced the FDA to speed up the timeline to get the vaccines to market, yet they still had to go through months of rigorous testing before being made available to the public.

So, the argument that the risks weren't or aren't known is simply an ignorant assertion. There's no truth to this.

And no one was forced to get vaccinated. The fact is, we all had a choice. I'd argue the choice is an easy one, but still a choice.