Saints jersey number changes

My opinion is backed by what the rules are. You are upset by what they are not. Seems like you are the one that needs to change what they are thinking. Not me. I like it. And if I didn't like it, I surely wouldn't be as upset as you seem to be. Last time I checked, the NFL never paid me one cent. I like watching grown men play a game. But it's just that. A game. Ever wonder why players lose big games and are seen smiling after?

You are using language I never used and labeling my opinion as belittling over Jersey numbers. Grow up bro. It's not that big of deal. I never called you an idiot or belittled anybody. I called a spade a spade. If you don't like it then so be it. I stated my opinion and you did the same. ✌🏽

Your opinion is not “backed by what the rules are” anymore than mine. There are people within the league that feel how you do and people within the league, including the best coach and player the league has seen, that feel the way I do.

Just because 80% of the ownership suits voted in favor of a proposal aimed to please a bunch of gen Z millennials doesn’t make one side right or wrong. It’s just not everyone values it the same.

But yes, let’s agree to disagree, and you can go on continuing caring about only one team and thinking that everyone should watch football your way.

By the way, if you don’t think your opinions were belittling then that tells me a lot about the type of person I am debating with and that I am indeed wasting my time here.

I suggest you go and study jersey numbers since thats the only way you can enjoy NFL football.

Man you are putting on an absolute clinic here today! Bravo!