Are you willing to get the Covid vaccine when offered?

Just looked further. Yes the next day the cdc did walk back what she said. So you are saying we shouldn't hold our leaders responsible for their words? Also yall asked for examples saying "show me where they went on TV" or "no one ever said that". So I posted a comment from our President. Then the posts were "yeah but show me where a credible source from the CDC said it" apparently our President is a credible source. So I posted where the HEAD of the CDC came on TV and said it. Now it's oh well all that was back track the next day or two. Quit moving the goal posts.

My kids, my wife and myself are vaccinated with the standard vaccinations we should have at our current marks. My 14 yo daughter has everything but the second round of 1. My wife knows better on which that is, something about it can cause cervical or ovarian cancer. Again not in my wheel house so I leave it to them and their doc to figure it out. My son is 10 and has all he should have at this age. The only shots we don't get are the flu shot. I am laid up for a week every time I have gotten it. When I dont I make it through the year just fine.

I am not anti Vax. Just anti covid Vax till I know more. It was forced on workers as those that didn't want it were getting laid off in government and some private sectors. They also made life a birch for those that didn't want it. Tried to make us feel like lepers to society. Common statements were made like "You're killing someone's grandma". Even now in this thread after it has been proven the vaccine wasn't as effective as previously thought, people are still getting bashed.
We have nearly 3 years of clinical data on the vaccine. I don't believe this will change anyones mind,but it's
a link to the Mayo Clinic. They are highly respected in the medical field. They are not politically biased at
all. They don't care who the Potus is, or what political party holds the position. Their opinion and advice
is based soley on the data the studies provide. Hopefully this will answer a lot of questions you may have.

From a link within the link
MYTH: COVID-19 vaccines are not safe because they were rapidly developed and tested.
This is not true, according to Dr. Andrew Badley, an infectious diseases specialist and head of Mayo Clinic's COVID-19 Research Task Force.

"There was fast-tracking in the execution of the clinical trials. It's very important to know what parts were fast-tracked and which parts were not," says Dr. Badley. "The fast-tracked part were regulatory approvals, funding, data analysis and submission to the FDA (Food and Drug Administration). Those are all paperwork items. What was not fast-tracked was enrollment of patients, clinical follow-up of these patients, capturing the events which occurred and the follow-up. These trials were executed very well."