Are you willing to get the Covid vaccine when offered?

Just looked further. Yes the next day the cdc did walk back what she said. So you are saying we shouldn't hold our leaders responsible for their words? Also yall asked for examples saying "show me where they went on TV" or "no one ever said that". So I posted a comment from our President. Then the posts were "yeah but show me where a credible source from the CDC said it" apparently our President is a credible source. So I posted where the HEAD of the CDC came on TV and said it. Now it's oh well all that was back track the next day or two. Quit moving the goal posts.
I really can't respond to this properly without getting way too political so I'll just address this next bit
I am not anti Vax. Just anti covid Vax till I know more.

This statement made some sense when the vaccines were first rolled out. It makes zero sense now.

Since they were first introduced BILLIONS of initial doses and boosters have been given. Covid deaths and hospitalizations are way down from their peak rates. My understanding is that side effects or adverse reactions are rare and in line with any other vaccine or medication. And the vaccine has allowed life and society to pretty much go 'back to normal'

So, when you say "till I know more" what exactly do you mean by that? What specific information do you need that you don't already have?