Are you willing to get the Covid vaccine when offered?

We know far more now than a year or 24 months ago, but even then, we knew a lot about how the vaccines worked for a decade prior. The vaccines aren't as new as you think.
You are right mNRA vaccines have been tested since the 70s but this is new to the public. That is straight from the CDC's website. "This type of vaccine is new, but research and development on it has been underway for decades."-

Shouldn't one be a little skeptical about something be tried for the first time? Especially one that is being rushed to market? With the fact that kids weren't high risk, not saying they werent getting sick, of severe cases and use being fairly healthy; we decided to not get it. People deciding for themselves they dont want to risk it shouldn't be looked at as scum of society. If the vaccine helps prevent illness, then those that get it shouldn't be afraid of those that dont want it. Get the shot, wear a mask if you want and stay the recommended 6' away and everyone should be happy.

We choose to take the risk of not taking it and made it through. Look I was very afraid of this new virus going around. I went down every rabbit hole i found looking for answers, and boy did I find doozies. In the end my doctor and I decided not to take it. He was neither for or against it. I know he (he had too) and his wife took the shot but i dont know if his kids did. After getting sick and only having mild symptoms, he and I discussed it again and decided to stay the course and we would be fine.