Somebody ease my mind

Put your mind at ease? What happened to this guy?
This is the most talented TE room we have ever had. Each can catch the ball, but even better, they can all block too.

Johnson is your stretch the field TE. Has the speed of a WR, well, since he was one. Marauex is the intermediate TE, the guy that can get you a first down. Jimmy is your RZ target. Great at the jump ball. Krull is the baby of the group, but can do a little bit of everything. Jesse is the enforcer. A Mauler.

New Orleans has never had a TE group this deep end talented. Cutdown day is going to be a huge challenge for the brain trust.

Man. Something is different this year.

Now - yes, this year - I feel an excitement I haven't felt since Drew retired. The vibe coming out of the media is infectious. The reports they are giving - especially on the podcasts - are stirring up my blood!!!!

I hear about guys like Peyton Turner and Andrew Dowell balling out and I want to pump my fist and yell Who Dat!!!!

Competition. It's everywhere on this team. Iron sharpening iron. Lattimore challenging Dennis Allen to Gasser races. Both ribbing each other.

Man, I'm psyched.

This year is gonna be special
Ok. With all the additions we've added this off-season, both defensively, and offensively, I am pumped. The o-line and LB group depth does concern me, but I will let that go for awhile.

1st, defensively, we not only got better, replacing what we lost, but we also added more talent through the draft and udfa's. So, my first prediction is that our pass defense will be better after the new guys have had a season to get acclimated. Next, our run defense will go back to being a top 10 defense. And, we will be top 5 in scoring defense.

If that's not enough, we will have 30 turnovers, and 50 sacks on the year. Foskey and Turner will come alive, and Bresee will develop quickly into a stud starter.

2nd, offense. First I predict that Saldiveri will quickly win the starting LG position. Penning will also win the Lt position. The o-line will finally become a top flight unit. We will only give up 15 sacks on the year. We will rush for over 2500 yards with Taysom Hill pitching in.

Derek Carr will also pass for 5100 yards for the 1st time in his career. We will have 3 1000 yard receivers in CGM, Chris Olave, and juwan Johnson. We will come in 2nd to KC in scoring offense as well.

With almost no real injuries, all of this is quite possible for this team. We have so many weapons on this offense, especially after AK comes back from suspension that it almost isn't fair to the rest of the league.

With the new left side of the o-line, our rushing attack will be almost unstoppable. Both of these young guys are maulers, or better yet, road graders. But the key is that we will be a team that sets up the run with the pass. This offense will be better than the 2011 squad.

The defense though is the clenched. In 2011, the defense was partly a liability. Not so in 2023. This defense will end up #4 overall. This is Dennis Allen's speciality. He will leave sneaky Pete alone, and SP will revert back to the playcaller he was when he put up 62 points on the Colt's.

Finally, this team will make it to the Superbowl, but will succumb to the Chiefs. Andy Reid is still the better Coach, over both Allen and Sneaky Pete. Great coaching will just be too much.

Now, next year