Mic’d up: Carr calls for a deep shot, then calls game
For all the Carmichael haters, It was a great play design. We had 5 route runners on that play. Sheed as the X receiver, Olave in the slot, Thomas as the flanker, Taysom as the TE, and Prentice in the backfield.
Taysom chips the DE to help Penning and runs a shallow crossing route which draws the safety and freeing up the 1 on 1 matchup for Sheed.
Prentice faking pass protection and slipping out after Taysom on a shallow out route to keep the LBs home.
Thomas as a flanker forces the nearby safety on his side to stay home until the ball is in the air.
And Olave running a slant across the middle with his defender on his heels.
It was a terrific example of forcing defenses to pick their poison. And they chose wrong.