Now that were playing in London
The NFL has bent over backwards to accomodate the Chargers for this game by giving them a game on the east coast the week before the game in London, after which they will leave to fly to Europe for the game against the Saints, then, after the game they get the bye week to recuperate from the game.
So, what are they doing for the Saints? Are we getting the same consideration? If not, that's not a fair deal. Next, Mr. Benson gets all the money that he would normally get plus travel expenses so that he won't lose any money, but what about the city of New Orleans that desparately needs the money generated by that home game? Does the city just lose out? That too, is not a fair deal. They say that we'll get all this exposure over in London and that will be great for the city, but what about that 80 million or so to help the community get rebuilt to bring back more of it's citizens and even new citizens that will make the economy stronger to support the Saints? How many years of new fans and exposure will it take to recoup that 80 mil? I'm glad that we have Saints fans in London and around the world, but how many of those fans will it take to come here in one year to get back the money the city is losing? Too many, I'd say. I think this is a lose, lose situation for the city and it also takes away the most anticipated game that we fans have been waiting 2 years to see and try to make a difference in against the Chargers.
I'm not saying that we should never go do this, but at this time and at this stage of recovery, I think this is just stupid. I would be more for it in another couple years because the city will not recoup that lost revenue in two years.