Does anyone feel bad for Sean Payton??

Yes, reading is fundamental. My reading skills and comprehension are just fine.

I'm not mad at you. I'm just making an observation--from reading your posts in multiple threads, not just this one.

Crazy? Like bringing up the Winston/Dalton crap in every thread? It's exhausting and it ends up derailing a lot of quality threads.
I'm embracing these emotions clowns like badges of honor...haha.

And you must be something because this was my very first post in this thread.

We went 9-8 with 4 QBs, UDFA and practice squad dudes at WR, running back room of Kamara and others, and a 13 O-lineman rotation due to injuries. I don't know why anyone is questioning his coaching.

@bigdaddysaints said this
its questioned because it seems like he didn't want put in the effort, when it got hard to do, he bailed and went to a team that already had a proven SB winning QB. If Winston worked out, he'd still be in NO.

to which I replied.
This is where I wonder how this came to be the narrative and if there was actually more to it. He was building the offense around Winston and as that was being installed, we were 4-2, Winston was one of the most efficient QBs in the league, and we were staring at 1st place in the NFC South (and we had it for a week). I truly feel that with how the season played out with all of those injuries and having to game plan around that, he was legitimately burnt out. But none of us really know what happened. But anyone with eyes knew that working with Russell Wilson wasn't going to be a walk in the park based on his style of play.

See this is why reading is fundamental. If you actually followed the thread instead of seeing Winston and getting automatically triggered, 2 and 2 would have came together. Instead, you are doing Now that we are tracking, back to our regularly scheduled topic.

I wouldn't call it lost self awareness...more a lack of impulse control...and stubborness
My thoughts exactly. My man told Russ to stop kissing babies. lol