Does anyone feel bad for Sean Payton??

While I won't say you are wrong, I will say that it may be as likely a mutual parting.

  • He wasn't exactly making friends with the NFL offices.
  • His record wasn't trending right in many ways from acquisition to injury to QB dev.
  • That whole Miami thing which IDK how to factor properly if at all.
  • The shady referee work against a too small mkt team post Katrina sympathy

If they played nice, he can say it was burn out and they can salvage a draft pick rather than firing the first and only Superbowl winning coach in team history.

So both sides had some decent motivation to be professional about parting.
I don’t agree with the entire “League vs small market” angle for several reasons.
1. The League kept putting the Saints in prime time and game of the week slots.
2. The ratings did not dip or significantly decrease when the Saints were in those slots.
3. Contrary to popular belief, the Saints have been one of the most marketable teams of the 00s/10s.
4. At this point, it’s been almost two decades since the franchise rebooted. They are one of the established teams in the League. A good 80% of the players right now don’t know a time when the Saints weren’t competitive.
5. The only ones that still bring up the Baghead Daya are a few 60-70 year old reporters like Cowherd who won’t change their mind.