Are you willing to get the Covid vaccine when offered?

Guess this can go here

Didn’t know that dog vaccines were a thing

Many dog owners in the United States harbor at least some skepticism about canine vaccinations, new research shows.

In a study published in the journal Vaccine, researchers surveyed 2,200 Americans, about 900 of whom identified themselves as dog owners.

A majority of the dog owners — 53 percent — held negative views of canine vaccines, with 37 percent questioning the safety, 22 percent questioning the efficacy and 30 percent questioning the importance of vaccines administered to dogs.

The researchers knew anecdotal evidence suggested many pet parents may be wary of canine vaccines, believing that it may result, at least in part, from negative sentiments toward the safety and efficacy of human vaccines.

“What shocked us, however, is just how prevalent these opinions are,” said Matt Motta, lead author and assistant professor at Boston University’s School of Public Health.

Although some vaccine hesitancy among dog owners isn’t new, veterinarians say people’s reluctance to vaccinate their pets has increased significantly since the pandemic, when many people expressed fear about coronavirusvaccines for humans.

For dog owners, vaccine hesitancy can stem from information people have read online about potential problems with vaccines, as well as personal experiences with negative reactions. The sheer number of shots required, concerns about overvaccination and the cost can also play a role.……
If you don't have your pets vaccinated you can probably kiss vet care goodbye.
Every veterinarian I've ever brought my pets to requires the animal to be up to date on their shots. Hope they know how to set broken bones and cure rabies.