Just another day in New Orleans

While the board generally has a no politics policy, that doesn't mean there isn't room for discussion of NOLA related issues that are intertwined with politics. Take the Covid threads as an example. That human health topic is loaded with politics, but it still needs to be discussed from a health care perspective, yet it's not a rigid anti-politics approach, but rather recognizing there are some aspects that can be discussed without getting mired in a political back and forth. It gets a bit too political at times and we try to nip that in the bud when it happens.

The same goes for local issues. Crime, policing, the Saints, economy in NOLA are all at least in part affected greatly by public policy and leadership. Notice no one here has said anything really partisan. The discussion has been specifically about the behavior of the city's public servants and imo should be part of the discussion about the health of the city.

I hear you, but I just disagree that we can't have this discussion because of the politics excuse.
And I agree with all of that (and even allowed for it)
What you didn’t address is my contention that if one is addressing NO issues (via Cantrell) and NOT addressing the fact that so many of the city problems are state problems; then it’s hard to take the ‘concerned with the city’ position seriously- it’s clearly way more about taking shots than a discussion of the issues