Don’t you dare blame Jameis

The man did his job , Gruppe didn’t
Doing his job means icing the game. He had a quarter and a half to do that. Grupe failed at his job and so did Winston. You’re assuming we win w/Gruppe’s kick. Folks seem to forget even if he’d made it, we left way too much time on the clock for GB to have it’s own last minute drive. And the way those refs were handing out PI’s on our D, best believe they’d have gotten a comfortable shot at both the end zone and a chip shot FG.

Winston isn’t primarily responsible, but he has blame to carry as well. You can’t keep going 3& out and putting the defense on the field, cause you can’t move the chains, chew clock, & secure one or two more scores. This was a team loss and JW had his part in it.