Rate your comfort level with our quarterbacks

So I'm just kinda curious where people fall in regards with how comfortable they are with our various QBs. So using Brees as a benchmark, I would rate them as the following (again, this is NOT based on talent, their potential, etc....just how comfortable you feel with them running our offense):

Brees: 10 (no explanation needed)
Carr: 8 (I rated him this because I think his pocket presence needs a little work, and he just hasn't been here long enough to give a fair assessment)
Winston: 5 (lacks pocket presence, cracks under pressure, turns the balls over....he has been here long enough now to give a fair assessment)
Hill: 5 (also lacks pocket presence and tends to turn the ball over as well but he is fun to watch. However, to me is not full-time starting QB material)
Haener: 4 (he's a rookie but I liked what I saw in preseason. We will see how he pans out after some more time in the system)

What say you?
Carr 6- holds the ball too long. Hasnt looked great in first 3 games. Haener- good in one game and training camp practice. Very photogenic.