Ahsoka Live Action Series (Disney+)

Yeah I’ve seen that too
But that seems a bridge too far (too big a lore dump for a finale)
Obviously Ray/Baylan’s irl death complicates everything- does/did his character arc out? Will he have naturally handed his quest over to Shin?
Or will they need big rewrites?
(I think it’s the Shin handoff )
One thing that was speculated seems to not have been true, and that's that they didn't have the force over there. They very clearly do have it, though we don't know if it's to the same degree as "our" galaxy. I saw one person complain about Ezra not using his lightsaber and that he's an imposter because of it despite seeing him using the force and being in tune with it. I'd like to think that those little guys would've noticed if Ezra wasn't himself or that if he never was Ezra, they wouldn't have befriended him. I kind of hope it's Abeloth based off of the videos I watched speculating about it.
That's all I have to say about that, so I'm gonna skedaddle.