Ahsoka Live Action Series (Disney+)

Ezra and his reluctance to use the jedi lightsaber was interesting, still feel unclear on the range of his powers/abilities...and that is fine, also think the actor is crushing it as an aged Ezra
Agreed- they made a new way of lightsaber fighting, and it was cool.
Baylan remains the possibly best part of this show and the mystery of his motives is palpable
I don't want his arc hastened but I think recasting would be unwise/uncouth
Shin also becomes a very interesting piece in this now, she should be the bridge here for his story
I was wondering whether he was schtooping her - apparently not.
Filoni is really incredible.
Yeah this is "Star Wars" without being "same old Star Wars" - really fun and shows how ludicrously badly the 7/8/9 movies let us down.