When will DA fire Pete?

We know who we have calling plays for this offense, and it isn’t Sean Payton. While DA, Carr, and the Oline have had their problems (different topics for different threads), Pete has done bad all by himself. He runs a NORD Football offense with NFL talent, and has a feel for the game like Helen Keller.

With back to back losses, and being a career loser, the heat is clearly on DA to make moves. Does DA let his make or break season go down with Pete. Does he think that there are no better options, so he says “fork it, we’ll go down together”?

Or, does DA show some leadership, and fire Pete? If he does fire Pete, does he make that call today, or does he let a few weeks pass?
It's too late to fire him now. He's purposely ignored the blatant signs of Pete being a horrible coordinator and decided instead to hitch his wagon too him.

If one goes they both go. Which is okay with me.