Ahsoka Live Action Series (Disney+)

For what it's worth, my theory on the season finale....
Thrawn will escape back to "our galaxy", leaving Ezra, Sabine, Ahsoka, Baylan, and maybe Shinn stranded. This will set up a duel plot where we get a bit of Thrawn's return with Luke, Leia and Jason Syndula playing parts. Jason Syndula will be the canon replacement for the expanded universe's Jacen Solo. Meanwhile, back in the galaxy even farther away, the good guys will be in conflict with whatever it is that Baylon has up his sleeve....maybe Abeloth, not sure there. They will have to wait until another whale gathering at the boneyard to catch a ride back. This is all setting up the whole Father, Mother, Brother, Sister storyline. Jason Syndula or Ezra will be the Brother, maybe Ahsoka is the Sister, Baylon the Father and Abeloth (I hope) is the Mother. My belief is that this series is a setup for a movie that takes place much later in the timeline, maybe a duology or trilogy even, where there is the ultimate Force showdown in our galaxy. And no, I haven't forgotten about the Kylo and Rey storyline. I have faith in Filoni tying all this together. It just feels to me like they want to culminate the Star Wars universe in a big send off, leaving them free to continue making "backstories" in the future. Maybe much earlier in the timeline like Darth Bane or even the birth of the Jedi Order, which would be pretty cool. There you have it. Tear it apart!