Ahsoka Live Action Series (Disney+)

Every scene she is in, I'm just hoping they kill her off. She's the worst.

I did really enjoy Ezra's force fighting without needing weapons, that was really well done and very interesting. I also liked the fact that even with 2 sabers Ashoka couldn't beat Baylan. Although not quite the Thrawn from the Zahn books, he is by far one of the most competent bad guys we've seen and it's quite refreshing. But Sabine just grates on my nerves and I'm hoping for an emotional moment where she has to sacrifice herself to save Ezra or Ashoka.
i'm not sure - Ashoka bested Maul, stood tall against Vader and was one of the best fighters ever
now at her peak she was a physical phenomenon - leaping from falling ship to falling ship
'present day' Ashoka hasn't shown much of that acrobatic flair- maybe that's by choice, maybe she no longer has that full range (except that she jumped out of her ship, so...??)
she was distracted in the first fight - second fight, i think if she wanted to/could have spent the time, she could have won

also, i suggest (guess) that you might want to get comfortable with Sabine, i think she's just starting her arc