More Pete Carmichael Roasting - Ross Jackson @ Locked on Saints

I hate that I have no confidence in anyone forcing DA's hands. It feels like our FO is a FO that leaves everything like that to the head coach and they stay out of the way, which is great as long as the HC is doing what is best for his team.

I want to believe that DA has been in the NFL just too long not to know way more than all of us about this, I mean that should absolutely be the case. However, part of me truly believes that this organization is simply a good ole boy system. That they are far too loyal to their own.
Personally, I believe DA lacks the necessary things to be a good HC. Like making hard decisions. It’s weird bc the Ceedy Duce situation got dealt with super quick, so that leads me to believe that it was Loomis who initiated it and acted upon it. At this point, we have players and former players stating the obvious, but yet the HC is telling them that no coaching changes will be made. That’s a great way to lose the locker room. If you are steering the ship and you won’t listen, then the eyes will turn to you, and before too long, the crew will want to throw the leader off of the ship. DA was blessed to be put in a great situation, it’s beyond me at how bad he’s screwing this up. AK’s comments was brutally honest. Dude basically said that nothing has gone right (offensively) since Drew left and he is correct