Observations from a brief All-22 study

If you don't like the still shot, then watch the play. He looked at Rashid for a split second before throwing it to the checkdown. Step up with your eyes down field reading the safeties and make the right throw. It's an easy read and likely a touchdown. Mike and Rashid were barely 5 yards into their route before he conceded the check down.

All good - I said thanks... In this specific shot... The read is check down... Both RCBs are dropping... The Right side S is looking dead at me with no signs of committing outside and is closer to the hash than my WR... The DT is running a stunt.... and no one is within 10 yards of AK... Looks like an easy read to me, and good defense... In this 1 specific case anyway.

If anything .... This case looks like a huge missed opportunity.... To have AK running a "Texas route"