What’s wrong with you guys?

Our fans are spoiled and soft.

They lack the grit of the hopeless optimism that fans had in my youth.

Now they just want arcade type scores, double digit wins every week or else it’s “fire everyone”

Couldn't disagree more. I've been watching the Saints and been a fan since 1970 (I was 6), been through it all.....

My observation is that it took forever but Benson finally found a HC that was driven not just to make the Saints "respectable" but actually have a chance to win it all.....which we did....once....and likely should have again had it not been for......that little incident that made me not care as much about the NFL....period.....

That said, Saints fans finally saw what a real SB winning coach looked like, he was far from perfect, but I think most feel that with him on the sideline we always had a chance, mainly because we took chances offensively, they didn't always work out but the philosophy was correct.....we know what a good coaching staff looks like.....this staff thus far has been the polar opposite and it doesn't appear thus far this season is any different, even with a much improved roster......that feeling that we always have a chance is long gone, now it's how few points are we going to score this week?

Could that change? Well, never say never.....but why should fans be content with an owner/GM/coaching staff mismanaging their team? If that's being a good fan then I guess I'm an awful one.....