The Pete Carmichael Problem

Is it just me, but I recall Sean running the same play again, by using many different personnel packages. I don't see that with Pete. It really looks like the other team knows 95% of the time, the play we are about to run. Lance Moore said he knows the play we are going to run, by the package we send in.

Did you see the interview with Kamara?? The players on the team know what the problem is and how to fix it.

His answer over and over again was "We just run the play that's called." He more or less threw the coaching staff under the bus.

I really think/hope we will see something different on Sunday. They know it's an issue, and the tape shows a lot of things that need to be better.

O line is still and issue but at least was better Sunday. They need to keep improving.

Carmichael has to call better plays in 3rd down situations/red zone and Carr just has to start taking easy completions when they are available. He is looking past 2 open short reads waiting for a big play.