Do you think aliens in ufos have visited Earth? (And all things UFO)

Thats why I really like the newer general term, non-human intelligence. I believe it was Lesile Kean who said that on some retrievals, there were no occupants to be found, almost insinuating drone'ish like craft that just landed. I really think the biggest issue is that it is automatically assumed that UFO's = ET's and this is why NASA and AARO can say "no evidence of extra terrestrial life has been found." In reality, it makes more sense these are interdimensional and why whatever it is, seems to have an interest in our nuclear capability. Perhaps their survival depends on ours and why sightings in the USA and Russia shot through the roof after WWII.

One has to remember the USA is currently the only nation to have dropped nuclear weapons in war, so naturally, they'd be most interested in the USA, even though its a worldwide phenomenon.
We may be the only nation currently to have dropped nuclear weapons in war, but since the late 1940's, we're not the only great power or superpower to create one or stockpile hundreds, if not thousands of nukes in our vast arsenal. The Soviets tried very hard for decades to cover up, obfuscate, persecute or deny individual or military sightings of UFO's or alien abduction, but since end of Cold War, declassified Kremlin archives revealed that beginning in the late 60's/early 70's, the Soviets started an ultra-secret, low-key, clandestine operation that studied the whole gauntlet of UFO-related phenomenon, UFO sightings, reported abductions, Soviet citizens who gave reports of seeing or having contact with various extraterrestrials species, UFO's lurking or being within close proximity to Russian military sites, former nuclear test sites, or in other former Warsaw-Bloc nations.

There's also a very well-researched, extensive amount of study, information into the UFO, alien phenomenon in post-WWII UK, France, Germany, even in Japan where most of their mass energy resources used for civilian purposes comes from nuclear power plants.