Been sitting with my feelings on the finale, reading you guys' gushing reviews and doing some thinking. I just did not enjoy this at all. Yes, I enjoyed some elements of it such as Baylan not getting bogged down in other people's BS, just kicking arse and doing his thing. I enjoyed the first half of the Asoka vs Witched-Up Morgan fight, but we didn't even get to enjoy and see the full power of her witchyness and green smoke sword before that was over. I enjoyed Hera's bottom framing. I enjoyed the first Ezra fight where he used the force and no lightsaber. I enjoyed the zombie Stormtroopers for all of 5 minutes until they were proven to be just as useless as the normal Stormtroopers. Yea.... that's about it. The rest was just call backs to things I had no idea were things. I caught myself saying to myself multiple times, "I hate this." OR "This is more contrived and convenienced that even most other Star Wars. Please just kill Sabine." There was never a point where the stakes felt real and the Stormtrooper fights felt flat and uninteresting. It was kinda cool how they rammed the 2 Tie-Fighters with the last bit of the ships power, but it was always assumed the robot dude would just show up in the ship at the end. And the Sabine force push..... so lame and predictable. Overall, better than Boba Fett but worse than Mando and Andor.