Obama Using Sexist Language?

So are you saying that the candidate you are actively campaigning for, Hillary Clinton, should be also looked to for words, or have actions (whatever they are) been enough? :shrug:


I'm not sure how you got there from my post. I was happy to leave the Obama rally unheckled, but I'm always happy to talk to you so I'll add a little more.

As I undestand it, you're position was that some should just stay out of this conversation because they:

1. "... are brainwashed by their talking points and spitting them back up like a baby satiated on its liquid meal..."; and/or
2. "... only go to sources that affirm [their] opinion (or shape it depending on one's prowess and experience) that [they're] just going to become a moving mouthpiece for someone else."

Well, that cuts both ways. Many here have no clue how Clinton's image came about, and we can't expect them to. Some were still wet behind the ears, playing Power Rangers, or wasn't interested in much beyond getting their driver's license or laid for the first time. The forces in play on the Hill were simply not a part of their world. They've not seen enough changing of the guards to recognize the patterns that follow which, as you may remember, played a huge role in the image that is perpetuated still to this day about Hillary Clinton.

Still, I'm interested in what they have to say. I find the whole process to be a fascinating course in human studies.