Fire Carmichael

Look, Pete's a great offensive coordinator. He really is, and he's a really good play-caller. He's had a lot of success, and when you're not having success, that bothers him more than anyone, and yet, man, I've always had confidence in him. We have confidence in Pete, our players have confidence in him, and so, yes, it's good to have some success, and yet I think he would be the first one to tell you that there were some opportunities that we missed that we could've easily scored another 12 or 14 points in that game if we execute properly.. And so, we've got lots of things to work on, but it's good to work on things off of a win, as opposed to working on things off of a loss.

Just going to leave Loomis' thoughts here, going into this week. Mickey really is clueless. And this is why it's best for y'all not to waste energy and hope into believing that Pete will be relieved of his duties this week. It just will not happen. Yet again, pure negligence on his part.