Israel (now broader Mid East discussion)

If you didnt refer to deep state in the Qanon conspiracy rabbit hole then my apologies ..... (trimmed for brevity)

Anyway, sorry for the psuedo derailment but yeah, I got triggered and wish people understood the harm that is being done by social media and tech through piracy, conspiracies and a complete lack of transparency and oversight. Every social media account should be required to be verified by ID to get rid of the bots, the false amplification and to bring a level of accountability. So simple to solve so many problems but we can’t do it because these giant tech firms won’t make as much money or have as much power. Unfortunately with AI, this is just the tip. People 20 years from now will be looking back at the 2020’s as the good old days.

I don't think that's a rant at all. I think that's a very necessary explanation for everyone but especially non-critical thinkers. We yell, we rant, we scream and expect people to understand exactly why we're yelling, ranting, and screaming. Then when you ask, you get met with something along the lines of the "classic" girlfriend comeback, Well, if YOU don't know, I'm not going to tell you.

Your next to last sentence about this being just the tip? TWSS. It's going nowhere good.

So, thank you for your unique perspective, Brandon.