Israel (now broader Mid East discussion)

Wouldn't surprise me. Hezbollah is essentially a proxy for Iran. If Hezbollah declares war on Israel or vice versa, then Iran would be dragged into the conflict, willingly or not. Iran doesn't want a direct confrontation with either Israel or the US.

They have enough issues as it is with the war in Ukraine having a big impact on them.

I tend to agree with others who believe the 2 conflicts are related as both Iran and Russia have been meddling in the ME for years, even decades. So calling the current conflict in Israel another front in a larger war males sense. Whether that evolves into WWIII idk, I just hope no one gets stupid with nukes.

Putin, in China yesterday, praised Xi for his "long term outlook" and lambasted the "West" for we change "leaders" every 4/8 years and how that doesnt allow us to look 10,15 or 20 years ahead.

I found that to be the most telling and confirms what may have written about for decades- Leaders like Putin/Xi are not thinking in terms of 3-5 years. Its 10,20 years. So a move today may not make sense in the micro, but if you widen the lens to macro, then you can start to see patterns develop for broader goals for their respective power.

What better way to distract than the stir up the hornets nest that is the ME.