There is nothing to "if" about here. I've named a condition under which I'd be fine with firing DA. It would require the defense, his specialty, also collapsing while the offense continues to flail with no attempts to fix it. This is what I mean about replying to argue instead of reading to understand. Even when I say "if XYZ happens, then the head coach can go, too" I'm told there's an argument to unearth.
The poster I was replying to assailed my character as a person based on my support for retaining the head coach, and did so without provocation or retaliation from me. That's never necessary, especially seeing how this is a forum board for one team, the same team we both root for, not the entire league. I would expect character attacks from rival fans. I don't regard "sensitive" as an insult, in fact being sensitive is one of my favorite things about myself.