I thoroughly understand what you have said. I challenge you to actually read my full post on page 2 of this thread, the one that you followed with your 1st post, the 11 word gem ending with two words, "Cut him"." Then tell me that you're fully committed to your opinions on this young man.
I'm not necessarily a Grupe Groupie. I am a Life Long Saints Fan from their beginning. I try to be fair in my assessment of our players before sharing my opinion on any one of them. They are, after all, our Saints. We should want them all to succeed.
Many so called Saints fans are quick to hate on a team member and are very slow to give atta boys out. Saints fans aren't alone. It's easy to get on an internet forum and spout whatever nonsense one pleases, sitting behind a wall on a keyboard. Most of these type of comments would never be spoken face to face.
An NFL kicker is an elite and specialized athlete. There are only 32 kickers employed out of 8 Billion humans on earth. You can't compare a Kicker to any other specialty athlete in sports. They are not totally on an island 🏝 by themselves (unlike a golfer, archer, marksman, ect.). They are also dependent on teammates for the outcome of their success, yet their record is judged solely on kicks made and kicks missed, all while doing so in front of 70,000 or so screaming people, and knowing a few million people are watching in real time.
By contrast the average NFL team has between 8 and 10 offensive lineman on their active rosters. That's approximately 300 offensive lineman employed all times, 10 times the number of kickers, and on average they make 10 times more money 💰, yet none of them would get fired for missing less than 20% of their blocks during a season. None of them are expected to win a game on a single play.
There's no such thing as a "low pressure situation " for an NFL Kicker. All Kicks Count, whether it's a game on the line kick, or a kick in a blowout game. He's being judged on his entire body of work. They eat pressure for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, 24/7, 365, the likes of which most people never face in their entire life.