Ahsoka Live Action Series (Disney+)
I think that's the point. Sabine is showing that the impossible is indeed possible, despite her self-doubt. She had her turning point in the presence of Ezra. He's the difference maker for her and turned Hiyang's comments on it's head. She's now had her turning point and the Force began to flow through her at that point.
I do still think it was Ezra who helped Sabine truly unlock the force in her.
Parable of the Sower:
Sabine is the rocky place
Ahsoka sows her seed there anyway
Hiyang 2500 yr old gardener ‘that is the most infertile ground ever, there is no chance that seed even takes root much less bear fruit’
Ahsoka waters for a bit but gives up bc she senses the seed doesn’t want to be a tomato but might become cyanide
Every now and then the seed will orient to the sun
They keep showing shots of the seed just laying among the rocks (not soil, rocks)
Then they show a tiny, tiny shoot - why? Is it bc the character might have destroyed her entire galaxy bc she needed to go find a friend who’d sacrificed himself specifically to save that same galaxy? (Not exactly exemplar of character growth)
Then 5 minutes later, that show a giant flourishing tomato plant - BUT, it’s not full of tomatoes, it’s full of bottles of a previously unknown marinara sauce
The ONLY thing that could give any cover for this is to find out we are on the planet of the origin of the sith and THAT’S the power she’s tapping into
Then I will happily enjoy that marinara