
As a 40 year old amateur soccer player, I don't understand how the kicking in the NFL hasn't evolved to a point where guys are more accurate (yes, I know this sounds like the Ninja meme). I play with too many amateur guys who can nail coke cans from 50 yards away. Yes, a football is different, but when you're talking about a billion dollar scouting industry finding the best of the best and paying them millions to train daily with state of the art equipment......I just figured we would be at a point where guys were near automatic by now. Like there would be 20 to 25 guests by now.

My only conceivable take is that the environment of the NFL breaks kickers mentally to such an extent that it will take a whole culture change to fix the position.
There are a lot more components with a FG. You have the rushers, you have the hike and the placement, and the walk up to strike the ball. Plus, once the ball goes into the air you have wind conditions. Also, heat and humidity can play a factor. All this is not Ben considering the shape of the ball. When a kicker starts his move the ball is not even in place. In fact, the ball is generally only in place moments before the kick is done.
